CS 468/568 Contemporary Topics in Networking - Fall 2023

Instructor: Dr. Ali C. Begen
Email: ali.begen AT ozyegin.edu.tr
Office Hours: After the class (Please make an appointment in advance)


Time and Location: Thursdays 12pm-2:30pm (For schedule changes and Zoom info, check Google Classroom)
Google Classroom Link: Go here and join the CS 468/568 class using your OzU (not personal) account. Make sure you receive notifications for the class announcements.
Textbook (Recommended): Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 8/e and Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (Online)

Course Overview

Description: The objective of this course is to give an overview of the de facto protocols for switching, routing and transport along with a detailed study and analysis of newly proposed protocols. The course will discuss the emerging networked application paradigms including IoT, security and distributed systems.
Prerequisites: Having a solid computer networking knowledge and programming skills is strongly recommended as we will build on top of the basic networking concepts.

Tools and Technologies

  • Wireshark
  • Dummynet, TC, iperf
  • OpenStack, AWS, OpenDaylight, etc.


I will not take attendance, however, participation to the discussions in the class may affect your grade. For specific grading, check Google Classroom.


We will cover the following topics and reading materials/slides are to be posted in Google Classroom.

  • Transport layer developments
  • Data centers
  • SDN, routing/switching developments
  • IoT, wireless
  • Security and privacy

Assignments and Projects

These are to be posted in Google Classroom along with the due dates.

Last Update: September 08, 2023