CS 623.715: Selected Topics in Computer and Network Architecture: Video Delivery over IP - Summer 2016

Instructor: Dr. Ali Cengiz Beğen
Email: ali.begen AT aau.at
Office Hours: Make an appointment in advance by email


Location and Time: Up-to-date information
Website: http://ali.begen.net/courses/cs623.715/cs623.715_s16.php
Textbook: There is no required textbook. The course material will consist of readings from books, papers and online resources. You may find the following books useful in different parts of the course:

This is a graduate course, so you will be expected to do a significant amount of readings on your own.

Course Overview

Description: The objective of this course is to introduce the key concepts involved with networked entertainment. This includes concepts in generating, delivering and consuming multimedia content. The course will briefly explain the theory and principles in coding, packaging and securing multimedia data, while mostly focusing on the methods for reliable and scalable transport over IP networks in the context of IPTV, video-on-demand and streaming applications. The course will also present the best practices in network and operating system support for media transport, and the state-of-the-art in current deployments.
Prerequisites: Having a solid computer networking knowledge and programming skills is strongly recommended as we will build on top of the basic networking concepts.


Grades (as of July 18th)

  • Exam - 60%
  • Project - 40%

Important Dates

  • Exam: May 9th, 3:30pm in the class
  • Project submissions: Late June Mid July (Details)

Course Materials

The slides we cover in the class are available here.

Survey Results

Last Update: March 07, 2023